A Birthday Surprise
In the blink of an
eye your entire world can change forever...
In the blink of an
eye a day goes by, a week, and then a year...
In the blink of an
eye my baby girl became a teenager.
My entire world
changed when she born. I was young, clueless and yet hopelessly in love with
her the moment they placed her in my arms. She taught me how to be a mom, how
to make a million mistakes and how to love unconditionally.
She has been free
spirited and a burst of energy since the day she saw sunlight. She has a smile
that entices others to draw closer. She is a born leader and has more
personality then I can keep up with.
We have gone from
make believe and dress up to make up and life lessons I wish she didn't have to
She amazes me with
her growth and desire to be a stronger Christian every day. I am so proud of
the young lady she is becoming.
Her thirteenth
birthday has been one she has looked forward to well; since she was two I
think! I wanted it to be perfect for her. Her birthday was on a Friday which
made a surprise party just perfect! Daddy picked her up from school to spend
some special birthday bonding time together...AKA: Get her out of the house so
I could DECORATE!!!
I got the house
ready and her friends arrived. Everything was PERFECT! Right down to her
walking in the front door and throwing pop-corn everywhere as everyone shouted
All the planning and praying everything would come together was totally worth
that moment and the look of pure joy on her face!
It was a night of
laughter and fun I pray she will always remember...
Happy 13th Birthday to my
sweet and special daughter....Kayla!
Great Friends
A Birthday Banner: A picture of every year from Birth to 13!

Cupcake stand

Yummy Treats
Her flowers from Dad! He gave her flowers for the first time at age four and has every year since on her birthday!

More Yummy Treats!
Check back later in the week for more pics from the activities that took places during the party.....