Thursday, April 11, 2013

Letting Go...

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. Ephesians 3:20

Have you ever felt like your life was slipping away and every moment you are living you are fighting just to breathe? Obstacles become too big, situations spiral out of control and life takes a drastic shift into overdrive!

Finances, jobs, marriage, secrets, children, addiction, death, pick your poison; they seep into your soul and take your feet out from under you. You are often left breathless while chasing yourself for some sense of normalcy in world that too often seems flipped upside down.

We like to say that God is in control and yet forget to follow up with faith in believing He truly is. We seek, search and plead for His help and yet still take control as though we can handle it all. We show the world our battle is ours and we can control it, and yet we fight a fight that so often leaves us soaking in our sorrows, lost and alone.

The truth is, we will always feel alone and lost when we attempt to conquer the world or life on our own. I know I land on my face almost daily and yet Christ loves me enough to not let my stay there. He picks me up and leads my battle into His hands.

So often I claim to have it all together. I play the game of owning control and grace to be perfect in an imperfect life and world. The problem with acting as though life is perfect is that it always seems to land me back on my face before the Lord crying for Him to take over, take control and guide me.

I am so often reminded through life that I can’t do it without Him and I don’t want to. No battle is too big for God, but any battle is too big for me alone.

I want him to show up and take control. I want Him to steal the light or pride standing in my way of seeking Him. All eyes on Him. I want Him to take my heart, my life, my dreams and expectation and magnify it to His glory.

The show is all about Him and through any poison seeping into your life, He can and will take control.

Give Him control to steal the show!

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