Saturday, January 9, 2021

Mama- you Don’t Get a Do-Over

Mama! This world is hard, unkind, and cruel! You do not get a do-over. Your babies will grow up. They will become a part of this world. They will become independent thinkers of this hard society we find ourselves living in. I cannot go back in time... Oh how I wish I could! You see, I was a young, immature and a very lonely mama who thought I had to prove to the world I could actually be a mom and raise good kids! Wrong! I had nothing to prove to anyone. 

If I could go back in time I would have daily reminded my children God made them for a purpose. I would worry less about trying to raise perfect obedient children and worry more about raising happy/kind/respectful children who knew their worth. (I’m not saying my kids aren’t those things now, I’m saying my focus at the time was off) 

You can raise children to be obedient without being so stressed about looking perfect in the eyes of this harsh world. The problem is we fear judgement of other moms, family members, church members, anyone honestly that might do it better than us! 

I craved other moms to help me along the way, but when you are a mom at 19, you kinda find yourself alone in the journey for quite a while. (I was blessed to have family support, but you still crave and need other moms your age). When I did find other moms, my kids were older and the moms were older and well, honestly; I could never help but feel judged. 

It wasn’t until my kids became teenagers and practically out of the house that I realized I had done this motherhood thing all wrong! It was then I realized, I wasn’t getting a do-over! 

My saving grace for my children will ALWAYS be in the foundation of Jesus! You see, I have always loved my children way more than anything in this world. Honestly, it took the death of my forth child for me to realize I put my kids even above God! That journey made me see, they are HIS! No matter what mistakes I might make, no matter what mistakes they might make, they are HIS! 

Stop comparing yourself to other moms! Stop judging yourself AND other moms! God created YOU to be your children’s mother! Smile more/ laugh more/ play more... if I could go back in time... I sure would! 

More than anything, let the idea of perfection go. Be the mom God has created you to be, not the mom you think the world is telling you to be.

As my children become adults, my prayer life has strengthened more than I could have imagined. God has reminded me over and over that He created each one of them for His purpose and His Glory, in His timing. He will use them for great things. Despite what is going on in the world.  Despite the things I wish I could have taught my children when they were younger. Despite the moments I feel like I missed out on. He can and WILL use them!!! My biggest prayer now is that God will fill the gap. He will fill their heart with every question this world may throw at them. When the enemy attacks, I pray my children know in their very soul where to turn. Turn to Jesus. Open your bible. Turn to the one that will never change and despite all that is going on, Jesus remains! Fall at the feet of the cross ❤️

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