Monday, November 21, 2011

My sweet Boy

If you are here for the blog fest from The Golden Sky....then click here to read my story.

Life with a two year old is anything but easy. Life was busy, crazy, fun, and well always on the go. I guess it was about that time that God decided our life needed a little bit more excitement.....a little boy. Kayla was 2 1/2 when Gabe was born. I was so excited and yet nervous to have another baby, especially a boy. I had no clue what to do with boys. I was terrified I might do something wrong.

He was the only baby my water broke with. He is also the only baby that my epidural did not work with. I was in labor all night long with Gabe, for 10 long hard hours. He was born early in the morning and my heart was overjoyed the moment they placed him in my arms.

I had no clue I could love another baby as much as I did Kayla. I had a special bond with Gabe instantly.  We called him happy Gabe because he was the best baby, and always happy.

Gabe has a love for others and a patience I wish I had. He is blessed with talent beyond means. He has simply grown leaps since he started taking piano and within days of buying him a guitar, he knows more then I could ever know.

He loves baseball and plays with all of his heart. He is a true team player no matter where he plays.

He is a brilliant and intelligent child.

He is a born leader because he has just enough fear to not follow the crowd. He has a heart for Christ and an eagerness to learn more.

I am beyond thankful for this sweet boy in my life. He took me from dress up and tea parties, to trucks and dirt. He taught me to wrestle and laugh and yet still hug and cuddle. I never knew the bond a mother and son could have until my sweet Gabe was born.

I am thankful for Gabriel Jason and the joy he brings into my life....
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